
An Interview With 30-Year Veteran Gaffer Rick Kalivoda

Rick Kalivoda, a 30-year gaffer and on-set veteran, talks about his craft in executing the vision of the DP and the emergence of LED lighting.

Using Tangent’s New 'Warp Engine' To Accelerate DaVinci Resolve

Learn how to use the Tangent Warp Engine to map any control, on any Tangent panel, to DaVinci Resolve—including ColorSlice and HDR wheels.

How to Set Up And Use DaVinci Resolve's Remote Monitor App

Two colorists show how to set up the DaVinci Remote Monitor app to share your Color Page Viewer with remote clients during a grading session.

Office Hours Live: NAB 2024 Recap and Resolve 19 Public Beta

We discuss insights from NAB2024 & the Resolve 19 Beta. Join Daria Fissoun & guests as they delve into Blackmagic's latest tools & hardware.

Speed Shootout: DaVinci Resolve On Rocky Linux vs. Windows 11

Which is fastest with DaVinci Resolve? Windows 11 or Rocky Linux? Colorist Igor Riđanović tests his dual-boot system to find out!

Pat’s DaVinci Fixed Node Tree (2024 Edition) - Color Grading 101

Patrick shares how he's designed his fixed node tree, plus outboard hardware and software optimizing color grading speed and efficiency.

A Philosopher Pilot Talks Video Monitors & Christmas Decorations

Flanders Scientific CEO Bram Desmet chats philosophy, color, reference displays, symbolic logic, and Jingle Bells(?) with The Color Timer.

How Do Bias Lights Help Colorists Achieve Consistency?

Mixing Light Contributors discuss bias lighting and the topics associated with LEDs and perception with Jason Rosenfeld of MediaLight.

Fusion Monitoring Part 3: Accurately Viewing On External Displays

How do you *accurately* monitor a color-managed image from Fusion on your external monitor? Colorist Daria Fissoun teaches the workflow.

DaVinci Resolve Printer Lights VS Baselight Base Grade Bumps

Explore and compare DaVinci's Printer Lights tool with Baselight's Base Grade Bumps controls, mapping either tool to a keyboard number pad.

Fusion Monitoring: Accurately Monitoring DaVinci Wide Gamut

Does saturation on Resolve's Fusion look wrong when working color-managed? Colorist Daria Fissoun breaks it down and offers three fixes.

Office Hours LIVE! HDR White, Saturation Controls, New Displays

Mixing Light's professional colorists answer questions on graphic white points in HDR, crafting meaty saturation and the limitations of AI.

FSI Announces Industry-First Quantum Dot OLED Display

Get a FIRST LOOK at our industry's first Quantum Dot 2,000 nit reference display, the Flanders Scientific XMP550. We chat with FSI's CEO.

First Look: Elgato Stream Deck + with SideshowFX Profiles

Colorist Jamie Dickinson shares initial impressions using Elgato's Stream Deck + (with SideshowFX profiles) to control Resolve's HDR Palette.

Talking Professional Reference Displays with Bram Desmet of FSI

Flanders Scientific's CEO visits with Mixing Light members answering questions in this Office Hours conference call.

Using Parsec and VirtualHere For Remote, Secure Color Grading Sessions

Learn how to control a remote DaVinci Resolve workstation using Parsec with VirtualHere to virtualize locally-attached USB devices.

Color Correction Gear Head - Stepping Into 2022 With New Hardware

Colorist Joey D'Anna shares his thoughts on adding the Elgato Stream Deck pedal and Xencelabs Quick Keys to his color grading suite.

Office Hours Live Stream - Color Management (and much more)

This is our first Office Hours Livestream. Four Mixing Light Contributors take and answer questions from members in a livestream.

Looking Forward To 2022 - Improving Myself, My Grading, My Business

Colorist Robbie Carman looks forward to 2022 and the steps he's to improve his color grading skills, business, and personal well-being.

Coloring Reality: How To Color Grade 1700 Shots In Two Days

Coloring Reality TV can be a huge undertaking. However, if you organize and prepare, you'll deliver a high-quality show on time.

Better Streaming Sessions With ATEM Mini Switchers

Learn how to add serious production value to live-streamed color sessions with Blackmagic ATEM Mini switchers.

Building A Custom Color Grading Toolkit in Premiere Pro

Learn how to massively expand the functionality of Premiere's Lumetri panel by custom-mapping multiple disparate controls with an external control surface.

3D Printing For Post-Production: An Introduction

Learn the basics of 3D printing, and how you can use it to improve your post production environment with custom upgrades.

The DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor On The Color, Edit, And Cut Pages

The new DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor is a fantastic controller. Learn how to use it for color grading, online editing and multicam workflows,

Color Correction Gear Head: The Stocking Stuffer Edition (November 2020)

With the holidays nearly upon us, in this installment of Color Correction Gear head discover several 'stocking stuffer' pieces of gear to add to your list!

Review - The OWC ThunderBay Flex 8 Workflow Supercharger

Get a hands-on look at OWC's direct-attached Thunderbolt-3 RAID chassis. Plus, (3) configuration ideas for post production professionals.

Using Playheads - Working Faster In DaVinci Resolve's Color Page

Learn how to accelerate your color grading in DaVinci Resolve's Color Page by using multiple Playheads to quickly navigate the timeline.

What's Tone Mapping?

In this installment of From The Mailbag we sit down to talk about tone mapping and how's used in software and on consumer displays.

eGPU Workflows: Enhancing Processing & Performance

An eGPU setup could offer a dramtic performance increase to your workflow. Learn about eGPUs, the AKiTio Node Titan & workflows leveraging an eGPU

Revisiting Streambox Realtime Sessions - Part 1

In the remote, work from home reality that find ourselves in, how can you deliver color accurate real-time streams to clients? Learn how in this Insight.

Taking A Look At Screen - A Modern Video Player For The Mac

In this Insight Robbie takes a look Screen and affordable, color managed video player for the Mac from Video Village.

Revisiting RCM, ACES & CST Workflow

In this installment of From The Mailbag, a member's question about using the CST OFX within a color-managed project got us into revisiting these workflows

Understanding Professional Displays With FSI's Bram Desmet

Trying to understand the value of pro video displays? Want to know the differences (and trade-offs) between the technologies? Listen on...

Macros on MacOS - Switching from AutoHotKey to Keyboard Maestro

Learn how to use Keyboard Maestro and Stream Deck to supercharge your workflow in DaVinci Resolve on Mac with powerful macros.

Color Correction Gear Head: January 2020 Edition

In this installment of Color Correction Gear Head, Robbie shares some essential items that went into the building of his new facility.

Looking Back On The Past Decade & Forward To The Next One

In this episode, we discuss the past decade and speculate on the next 10 years in the world of color grading.

Is the Disney + Series 'The Mandalorian' Fake HDR?

In this installment of From The Mailbag, we tackle a hot topic from the world of color grading this past week - is there such as thing as FAKE HDR?

Why Is Color Grading So Hard (and what can you do about it)?

Do you doubt your ability to color correct moving images? Are you constantly re-doing your work? Learn what's going wrong and how to fix it.

How to Set Up Premiere Pro for Quick Color Grading Sessions

Learn how to set up your physical workspace for quick color grading in Adobe Premiere Pro. Plus, optimizing the software for your workspace.

$5000 For A Monitor. What Should I Get?

We get a lot of questions about picking a color-accurate monitor for grading. In this episode listen to our thoughts on things to consider.

Updating A Color Grading Suite - 2 Years Later

Learn how I've evolved my grading suite in the past 2 years. I added new hardware and adjusted my layout to fit new, advanced workflows.

How Do You Finish at the Highest Possible Quality in Premiere Pro CC?

Premiere Pro has strict, but hidden, color management. Learn how to setup the software and hardware for proper color management & finishing.

Our Initial Thoughts On The Apple Pro Display XDR - Is It Truly XDR?

The XDR looks like an impressive display from Apple but - is it a reference monitor? It sure is priced like one!

Our Initial Thoughts On The 2019 Apple Mac Pro Announcement

At WWDC 2019 Apple took the wraps off a brand new Mac Pro & a new HDR display. In this Mailbag, Team Mixing Light discusses the new Mac Pro.

The Game Of Thrones 'Too Dark' Kerfuffle

We take a look at Game Of Thrones Season 8, Episode 3 and ask, as creative professionals, was it too dark and where did it go wrong?

What to do if your client doesn't trust any of your reference displays?

Team Mixing Light tackles a member's question on how to handle a DP who doesn't trust any monitor in a facility?

Scopes and Critical Image Evaluation In Resolve 16

Video scopes are an essential tool to all colorists. Learn all the exciting new scope features in Resolve 16 to speed up your grading.

Clients Unhappy With Your Downstream SDR Tone Mapped Color Grade?

High Dynamic Range color grading is challenging. Listen as we discuss a question about HDR > SDR tone mapping and how to handle expectations?

New Dolby Vision Training & Looking Forward to NAB 2019

The Team discusses a new training title we produced for Dolby about creating Dolby Vision content. Plus, Our thoughts about NAB 2019.

Understanding The Future Of Color Grading - HDR and 'Presence'

In Part 3 of this series, you learn about the evolution of digital video from Standard- to High- Dynamic Range. Why is it here to stay?

Troubleshooting 101 - Resolve Color Management

Troubleshoot an interesting problem for a more in-depth understanding how Resolve Color Management (RCM) works.

Beyond Crypto-Kitties - Blockchain technology in post production

Maybe you've heard of blockchain? Learn how this new technology is going to impact the post production industry (and what's holding it back).

Revisiting Using A Single Large Format Monitor

Team Mixing Light revisits the idea of using a single large format monitor in a color suite. Is it a viable solution?

Color Correction Gear Head: January 2019 Edition

In this installment of Color Correction Gear Head we look at new GPUs, storage, GUI monitoring and HDMI routing and more!

Is High Dynamic Range (HDR) Video Legit? Should I Invest In HDR Tech?

Team Mixing Light discusses a member question about HDR: Is here to stay and should they be investing in HDR tech?

The 2018 Mac Mini - Perfect Color Suite Companion?

In this Insight, Robbie takes a look a the new 2018 Apple Mac Mini and how he's using it in his color suite.

An Overview of PreRollPost - LTO Backup Software for Video Pros

How much does it cost to get into LTO-7 and LTO-8 backup? What's the benefit of using specialty software PreRollPost to handle your archives?

Getting To Know Dolby Vision Part 3: Dolby Vision For Everyone!

In part 3 of our ongoing Dolby Vision series, learn about big changes to Dolby Vision & Resolve in 2018, plus new tools & workflows.

Integrating Graphics & Text Into A Dobly Vision HDR Project

Team Mixing Light is once again joined by Joey D'Anna to discuss integrating graphics and text into Dobly Vision HDR projects.

Understanding The Future Of Post Production and Color Grading: Part 1

Digital video post production and color grading is rapidly advancing. Which technologies do you need to prepare for? And why?

Color Grading HDR For The First Time - In A Live Competition!

Dan & Robbie describe watching colorists grade HDR for the first time, while competing! Plus, Mixing Light's partnership in China.

What Can DPs Do To Make Final Color Easier?

Pat, Robbie and Mixing Light Contributor Joey D'Anna discuss what can DPs and onset staff do to make the final color grade easier?

Shared Storage For The Small Studio: Case Study With The Lumaforge Jellyfish Mobile

In this Insight, learn about the basic design of the Lumaforge Jellyfish Mobile, and why it might be a perfect solution for your set-up.

LG 8 Series Or FSI XM650U - Which Large Format Display To Buy?

The Team discusses a question we've been getting a lot: Is it worth getting the FSI XM650U over a 65" LG OLED?

10 Things I've Learned (So Far) About HDR Grading

In this Insight, Robbie explores 10 things he's learned in 3 years of grading HDR and how his recent experiences have informed his view on HDR.

The 3000 NIT FSI XM310K: Talking HDR With Bram Desmet

Flanders Scientific is shipping it's highly anticipated XM310K - a 31 inch DCI 4k 3000 NIT HDR mastering monitor with 12G connectivity. I talk to FSI CEO Bram Desmet about HDR & the XM310K.

Speed Boosting The Resolve Mini Panel With Gaming Keypads

Are you looking for ideas on programming your El Gato Stream Deck or Razer Orbweaver to speed up color correcting? Get some tips about focusing your efforts to reduce 'mouse travel' - increasing your productivity.

Testing The New 'Video Limiter Effect' In Premiere Pro CC 2018

Adobe re-built their Video Limiter Effect in Creative Cloud 2018. Can you trust the new effect to remove gamut excursion errors that will fail you in QC? This video Insight answers that question.

A Month Later: Team Mixing Light's Take On NAB 2018

It's been a little over a month since NAB 2018. We discuss what we saw including Resolve 15, new HDR monitoring, control surfaces and more.

First Impressions with DaVinci Resolve 15 Public Beta (after NAB)

Learn what one colorist thinks of DaVinci Resolve 15 Public Beta the first time he launches it. Not on the trade show floor in Las Vegas where he first saw it... but in quiet of his suite. And discover the huge new feature no one is talking about!

Color Correction Gear Head: May 2018 Edition

In this installment of the Color Correction Gear Head series, Robbie takes a look at the 2018 LG OLEDs (C8), the HD Fury Integral 4k, Aja 1616 12G Router, OWC Mercury HeliosFX and remote control application Splashtop.

Talking LGs, OLEDs, and Calibration With Portrait Display's Tyler Pruitt

In this special edition Mixing Light Podcast, Technical Evangelist Tyler Pruitt joins Robbie to discuss LG's 2018 OLED monitors and various calibration issues like metamerism, colorimeter matrices and more!

Are You Wasting Time With Cheap Colorimeters and Spectroradiometers?

Learn about the 'Calibration Conundrum'... can you use low cost colorimeters and spectroradiometers to accurately calibrate your reference display? Or not?

NAB 2018 Plans & Is My Harris DL860 Working Properly?

We discuss our 2018 NAB teaching plans and where to find Patrick on the show floor? We answer a member's question about the Harris DL860.

Re-Revisiting Multi-Channel Audio Output In Resolve

No, that's not Déjà vu! We're re-revisiting multi-channel audio output in DaVinci Resolve! In Part 1 of a new series, we'll explore the essentials of multi-channel output including using the 'Timeline Tracks' method, The Link Group behavior, and basic bussing.

Colorist Challenge: Moving From A Direct View Monitor To The Cinema

A member asks about grading on a direct view monitor vs. the cinema. We discuss the differences and why overcomplicating it is a bad idea!

Top Calibration and Display Setup Questions (with Bram Desmet)

Learn the most common calibration mistakes post production professionals make when setting up their external displays; and the most common questions asked. An interview with FSI CEO Bram Desmet.

Colorist Podcast EP 021:Shane Mario Ruggieri

In this episode, Josh talks to Shane Mario Ruggieri, C.S.I. from Dolby. Learn about HDR from the colorists perspective, Dolby Vision, HDR 10, grading HDR and SDR and more! If you're interested in HDR this episode is a must listen!

How Do You Choose A 4k Reference Monitor For Color Grading?

The Team discusses the pros/cons of 4k monitoring. We explore new offerings from Flanders Scientific including the XM650U and XM310K.

Demystifying Contrast and Brightness Calibration Test Images

In our reference display calibration series we've been using a specific set of calibration test images. But two test images (used to precalibrate our Contrast and Brightness settings) generate a lot of confusion. Get unconfused in this Insight.

First Look: FSI XM650U UHD Monitor

In this special Insight, Bram Desmet CEO & General Manager stops by Robbie's studio to take a look at the brand new FSI XM650U UHD OLED HDR Monitor. Learn about the essential design of the monitor, its capabilities and how it might help you.

Is Your Reference Display Input Properly Set To Data Levels Or Video Levels?

If you have a broadcast reference monitor for editing and color correction then you need to make sure it's properly processing your images. Learn how to know if you have a mismatch in data levels with your editing or color correction software.

How To Color Grade Full Range for Data Level Broadcast Delivery?

A member asks a question about working in Full Range but delivering a video rendered to legal/broadcast levels. We work through the thinking.

Calibrating A Reference Display Without Using LUTs Part 2

Learn how to calibrate your video reference monitor if you can't load a calibration Look Up Table (LUT) into the display, with CalMAN Studio. It's simple. It's fast. But it does require a professional display to be fully successful.

Revisiting The Judd Modification When Calibrating OLED Displays

Team Mixing Light answers a member question about using the Judd Modification for an OLED reference monitor. What is it? When to use it?

Talking About and Understanding Dolby Vision Color Grading

Building on Robbie's recent articles, Pat and Dan ask questions about workflow and Robbie's recent trip to Dolby in Burbank, CA.

About the New Blackmagic Design Conference, The New iMac Pro

Team Mixing Light discusses the first ever Blackmagic Design Conference & Expo as well as our thoughts on Apple's latest - the iMac Pro.

Getting To Know Dolby Vision Part 2: Delivering To non-HDR Televisions

In part 2 of our Dolby Vision series you learn more about suite setup. Then you dive into using the Dolby Vision trim controls (in DaVinci Resolve) for Standard Dynamic Range TVs. Plus, Dolby Vision 'mezzanine' file creation.

Learn How to Start Scripting El Gato's Stream Deck Using Autohotkey

The Elgato Stream Deck is a powerful control surface add-on for colorists, especially when paired with autohotkey. In this insight, learn to take that functionality to the next level with advanced scripts and workflow examples.

Getting To Know Dolby Vision Part 1: Terminology, Gear, and Workflow

In part 1 of our series on getting to know Dolby Vision HDR workflow & color correction, you learn the essentials of setting up a professional Dolby Vision mastering suite.

Creating (and Verifying) a 3D Calibration LUT in CalMAN Studio

Part 2 in our calibration series has us doing our first calibration in CalMAN Studio. We generate two different LUTs for our OLED display.

Color Correction Gear Head: November 2017 Edition

In this installment of Color Correction Gear we take a look at Intel NUC mini computers, Procool Rackmount fans, & Cinemaquest LED Bias Lighting

Introduction to Reference Display Calibration - Series Overview

Begin learning how to calibrate your color correction Reference Display by seeing how to calibrate your colorimeter for highly precise measurements.

Getting To Know The El Gato Stream Deck: Part 1

Designed for gamers and streaming is the El Gato a suitable control surface supplement for colorists? In this Insight, learn about the Stream Deck

The Ergonomics of Keyboards, Keypads and Computer Displays

In Part 3 of our series, you'll see the different input devices I've experimented with and the computer displays I'm using... with eye toward ergonomics.

Choosing Between ACES Or RCM? Plus, Control Surface Sensitivity.

The Team fields a member question about how we set up the sensitivity of our colorist control surfaces? How do we decide?

How to Design an Ergonomic Desk for Editing and Color Correction

As creative professionals working in post production, you are tied to your chair and desk. This Insight shares the fundamentals of healthy workspace design.

DaVinci Resolve Advanced Panel - Scroll Mode

Using Scroll Mode in DaVinci Resolve is a quick and effortless way to audition grades for your current shot by loading grades

Color Correction Gear Head: Review of the Resolve Mini Control Panel

In this installment of Color Correction Gear Head veteran colorist Marc Wielage provides his impressions of the new Resolve Mini Control Panel.

Colorist Podcast Episode 010

In this edition of the Colorist podcast Josh talk to the famed Warren Eagles from the International Colorist Academy.

Breaking Geographic Boundaries: Remote Grading Part 2

In part 2 of this ongoing series, Robbie explores using Streambox's Hybrid Encoder for remote sessions plus some additional gear.

Colorist Podcast Episode 09

In this episode of the colorist podcast, Josh talks to Technicolor senior colorist Peter Doyle about his amazing career & many other subjects

Breaking Geographic Boundaries: Remote Grading Part 1

In part 1 of a 3 part series, we explore the different methods of remote grading and how remote work can help your bottom line.

An Overview of the Logitech G13 Gaming Keypad For Use By Colorists

Get an overview of how the Logitech G13 Gaming keypad works - with ideas on how it can speed up your video post-production workflow.

First Look: Using Color Finale Pro and the Tangent Ripple in FCPx

First Look: How to use the Color Finale Pro plugin with a Tangent Ripple in FCPX for a professional grading workflow.

Revisiting Multi-Channel Audio Output In DaVinci Resolve

Resolve users are often tasked with making final outputs.In this Insight, learn how to easily route multi-channel audio for output.

Hands On the Tangent Ripple Colorist Control Surface and Tangent HUD

A hands-on overview of the most affordable color correction control surface on the market today—the Tangent Ripple.

New Stereoscopic Tools for HDR Workflows in DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve 12.5 has introduced some new Stereo features... to support HDR workflows for High Dynamic Range color grading. Learn more...

Color Correction Gear Head: August 2016 Edition

In this Color Correction Gear Head, Robbie takes a look at the zBook Studio From HP, the GeChic 1303i monitor, Tangent Ripple & CineXtools

How to Optimize Tangent Control Surfaces for Premiere Pro CC

Learn how to optimize Tangent Control Surfaces for Premiere Pro with the Tangent Mapper—and massively speed up using Lumetri color effect.

Hands On the Tangent Element and Premiere Pro CC 2015.3

The first Creative Cloud update in 2016 has given us integration between the Tangent Element and Premiere Pro. This video shows it in action.

Optimizing for CalMAN: The i1 Display Pro and SpectraCal C6 for CalMAN

Optimizing for CalMAN the X-Rite i1 Display Pro and SpectraCAL C6 is easy. Learn how—and the differences between these colorimeters.

Getting Started with CalMAN's Colormatch Workflow

If you do video color correction, watch 'Getting Started with CalMAN ColorMatch' to learn how to test if your reference display is accurate.

Using Custom Offsets with the i1 Display Pro OEM in Lightspace

Learn how using Custom Offsets with the i1 Display Pro OEM can turn this inexpensive colorimeter into a reference meter you can trust.

Optimizing the i1 Display Pro OEM for Lightspace - Part 1

The X-Rite i1 Display Pro is the most popular colorimeter on the market. Learn how to use it in Lightspace for video profiling & calibration.

Graphs in Lightspace DPS: How To Read Your Profile Results

Learn how to read the graphs in Lightspace DPS, to evaluate if your display requires calibration for color correction.

Getting Started with Lightspace DPS - Do You Need To Calibrate?

'Does my color correction display need recalibration?' Getting Started with Lightspace DPS (a free app) helps you answer that question.

Reference Display Profiling: Is Your Display Accurate?

If you do video color correction, do you know if your reference display is accurate? Learn how to find out. The first video in a series.

DaVinci Resolve Studio - Exclusive Features for the Paid Version

Learn how Resolve Studio 12.5, the paid version of Resolve, is starting to get siginificant features that free users will want.

Color Correction Ergonomics - Working Faster and Comfortably

If you're looking to improve your color correction ergonomics for your editing or color correction suite - this post has some ideas for you.

Resolve 12.5 First Look - Patrick's Gems You Need To Know

This DaVinci Resolve 12.5 First Look shares a working colorist's initial thoughts about the big new update to this color correction software.

Resolve 12.5 - Robbie's Top Features

Another April, another version of DaVinci Resolve! In this Insight, Robbie shares his top new features of this exciting release.

How To Sharpen Quick Focus Pulls? Plus, using the HP Z27x DreamColor.

The Team answers a member's question about sharpening quick focus pulls. Plus they discuss using the HP Z27x DreamColor display.

DaVinci Resolve - How to Use External Scopes with Video vs Data Levels

Learn how the 'data levels' and 'video levels' Project Setting effects your external scopes when color correcting in DaVinci Resolve.

HDR Essentials - Getting Setup In Premire Pro

HDR video is coming, and coming fast.  In this Insight, learn how to get setup and work with HDR video in Premiere Pro's Lumetri Color Panel.  

Optimizing X-Keys With A Colorist Control Surface

Learn how to maximize your color correction speed if you're using a Tangent Element or Avid Color by optimizing X-Keys, a low cost USB hardware add-on.

Setting Up X-Keys: A Control Surface Companion

In this video, contributor Josh Petok shows how to setup the X-Keys XK-24. It's a perfect companion to many colorist control surfaces.

From The MailBag Episode 25

A couple weeks after NAB 2015, Team Mixing Light breaks down NAB 2015 - the gear & other amazing stuff from the week.

RGB Gamut Errors A Broadcast Colorists Nemesis

In this Insight, learn what RGB Gamut errors are and how to identify them before a broadcaster catches them for you!

Colorist Health - My Campaign For Eye Awareness

How much time have you spent thinking about your eyes? Dan starts a new series about health issues including eye awareness.

Getting To Know The Colorimetry Research CR-100 & CR250

The Colorimetry Research CR-100 & CR250 are two of the most affordable and accurate calibration meters on the market. Learn more...

Using Divergent Media's ScopeBox As Digital Recorder

Divergent Media's ScopeBox not only provides high quality customizable scopes but a full fledge digital recorder for capturing content.

When Color Management Fails : Dan's Strategy

Have you had a client reject a grade after they left the color correction suite? Learn how handle this problem without losing your client.

The Tangent Element In SpeedGrade & Good Skin Tone

In this episode of From The Mailbag, we discuss using the Tangent Element In Adobe SpeedGrade & what goes into getting good skin tone.

From The MailBag Episode 11

In this episode of From The Mailbag learn about our picks for top reference monitors and how to build a calibration system on a budget

Understanding Output Sizing in DaVinci Resolve

If you're confused about understanding Output Sizing in DaVinci Resolve—especially if you need to keyframe it—then this video is for you!

Multiple Aspect Ratios

Learn an innovative approach to framing filmed images for multiple aspect ratios. Also - how to view these framings inside DaVinci Resolve.

Using the Tangent Element with DaVinci Resolve 10

This video tutorial is an overview of the integration between Tangent Element with DaVinci Resolve, focusing on new features in Resolve 10.

Using the Tangent Element with SpeedGrade CC

Why do professional video colorists love controls surfaces? Watch the Tangent Element with SpeedGrade CC highlighting a few advantages.

Tangent Element Control Surface: Getting Started

Learn about the Tangent Element colorist control surface and see how one professional colorist sets it up in his color correction suite.

How I Set Up Scopebox for Color Correction

In this video learn how a professional colorist configures the affordable software scopes, ScopeBox, for image evaluation to speed up color correcting.

Playing 720p23.976 Inside DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve doesn't officially support the specific combination of a 720p frame size playing back at 23.976. Learn how you can force this playback.

Podcast: Keying On Black Background + Chroma Subsampling Explained

We answer two questions: Solving a problem with keying and windowing the moon on a black background + explaining technical terms to co-workers.

New SpeedGrade CC Courses + Working With A DP + Video Displays

Podcast: Learn about a new training title for SpeedGrade CC + How to work with a DP in a color correction session + Choosing video displays for grading.

How To Set Up Your Color Suite + Monitoring Video in 444

In this podcast, Team Mixing Light answers two member questions: How do we set up our color correction suites? How do you set up monitoring in 4:4:4?

Hands-On The Sony BVM-F250A OLED Reference Monitor

Learn why a professional colorist is eager to finally get this uber-expensive OLED display into his color correction suite. What does he think about it?

Tangent Element: Unboxing & Visual Comparisons to Other Color Surfaces

If you're in the market for a colorist control surface then see how the Tangent Element ships - and how it physically compares to two of its competitors.

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