
New Dolby Vision Training & NAB 2019

March 28, 2019

The Team discusses a new training title we produced for Dolby about creating Dolby Vision content. Plus, Our thoughts about NAB 2019.


From The MailBag Episode 67

Dolby Vision Workflow Training & The Big Show
(NAB 2019)

Probably, like for many of you, the past few months have been a blur!  Between grading, family, travel and just trying to find 10min of downtime, it’s hard to believe it’s almost April!

For the past few months we’ve been working on some big things and we’re thrilled to finally let you know about them in a special two-part From The Mailbag.

Mixing Light Produces A 12-Part Free Dolby Vision Series

It’s no secret that Team Mixing Light is a big fan of Dolby Vision and in many projects, we’ve all found it to be a powerful format/system.  Here on, we’ve produced a multi-part series on Dolby Vision, but most of that was as articles.

Well, late last year our friends at Dolby called asking if we might be interested in producing a video series on Dolby Vision workflow for the Dolby Institute.

Yes, yes we were!

So after a few weeks of prep, script writing and asking the Dolby engineering team thousands of questions, we went to a studio and recorded a 12-part training series that covers all the essential aspects of a Dolby Vision workflow.


For two colorists, being in front of the camera is never easy! Robbie & Joey were the instructors for a new 12-part series on Dolby Vision that appears on

The course covers essential vocabulary, footage considerations, hardware & software setup, analysis & trims, as well as output, QC and delivery.

Robbie & Mixing Light contributor Joey D’Anna are the instructors for the series, and Patrick used his skills a director and editor for the project.  We had an awesome crew and this week (3/25/19) Dolby released the series for free! (you’ll need to provide them with your email address).

Working with Dolby to create this 12-part series on Dolby Vision was awesome. We learned a lot too and hope the series can help people new to HDR and Dolby Vision get started. Working with Dolby to produce this series was an honor, and let’s be honest – being on is pretty cool too!

We’re immensely proud of the series and have been nearly bursting at the seems to tell you about it!  So, in the first part of this two-part Mailbag, we discuss the training in a little more detail and what we learned in the process of making it.

If you want to know a bit more about Dolby Atmos – a similar course was also released covering Atomos setup and mixing.

Mailbag #67: Part 1

Looking Forward to NAB 2019

It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year (again!)  The annual pilgrimage of thousands in production, post, and delivery to the desert oasis of Las Vegas for National Association Of Broadcasters annual trade show

After 7 years of the ‘Focus On Color Day’ at PostProudction World (the official training conference at NAB), and 14 years of Robbie being a presenter at PPW, we are taking a break and doing something different this year!  For the first time, we’ll have a booth on the trade show floor – okay, okay…not our booth per se, but we’ll have the Mixing Light Theatre at the Flanders Scientific booth, which is SL6328. 


Mixing Light Presentation Theater at NAB 2019 with Flanders Scientific
A visualization of the Mixing Light Presentation Theatre – sponsored by Flanders Scientific and Gaiamount.


Monday through Thursday we’ll be presenting a range of subjects, including HDR.  Besides Robbie, Patrick and Dan, we’re honored to have some our great contributors presenting including Katie Hinsen, Ryan Nguyen, Jamie Dickenson,  Jason Bowdach, R Neil Haugen and author of the DaVinci Resolve user manual – Alexis Van Hurkman. This is 100% free, so if you’re at NAB stop by and say hello.

Here is a press release with additional info including the schedule of the sessions.

Also, in the 2nd part of this Mailbag, we discuss other events like the Lumaforge Faster Together Stage – Robbie will be presenting with two other colleagues about a feature doc edited and graded in Dolby Vision HDR.  The Colorist Mixer – which now in its 7th year is once again sold out!  So if you haven’t purchased a ticket please get on our waitlist ASAP!

We wrap up the 2nd installment talking about the always fun Media Motion Ball and other fun events and things to do at NAB – including for those of you who love Thai food, a must stop at the world famous Lotus Of Siam.

The bottom line?  If you’re headed out to NAB, travel safe and please come by to say hi – tell us you’re a Mixing Light member!


Mailbag #67: Part 2

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