Active Training Courses
These are new courses with modules, progress tracking and active forum threads.
DaVinci Resolve Fundamentals 101 – A Quickstart
Having trouble understanding DaVinci Resolve? Is it frustrating you? This Course makes you competent in Resolve, getting you working again. Learn how Projects work, import and organize your footage, create and edit timelines, color correct and mix your footage, and then render out for all the world to see! Stop being frustrating and start working again!
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DaVinci Resolve Fundamentals 102 – Optimizations and Workflows
Is DaVinci Resolve choppy, unresponsive, slow, or error-prone? Are you unsure how to move projects between computers or share timelines with other software? How do you work around timelines that won’t play back in real-time? Are you looking for strategies for working more quickly in DaVinci Resolve? After this course, you’ll know how to stop feeling like Resolve is holding you back and become much more productive and satisfied using DaVinci Resolve.
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DaVinci Resolve Fundamentals 102 – Learning to Edit on the Cut Page
DaVinci Resolve’s greatest strength is sharing a single timeline among completely different toolsets, each designed to accomplish a specific task. The Cut Page is optimized for quickly editing a story…
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DaVinci Resolve Fundamentals 102 – Skill Up On The Color Page
Is Resolve’s Color Page confusing? Are tracking & keyframing difficult? Does the Node Graph seem mystical? Can’t decide which tool to use first? Learn a logical, structured approach to working on the Color Page in a color-managed project. Master concepts like Primary and Secondary corrections; amp up your Power Window keyframing skills; work faster with the HSL Qualifier and 3D Keyer; build your color correction muscle memory using a fixed node tree. Move down the road to Color Page mastery and start feeling good about color correcting in DaVInci Resolve.
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DaVinci Resolve 103 – Automations and Solutions For Common Problems
DaVinci Resolve offers many ways to solve the same problem – each solution with its benefits. Many solutions are ‘automated,’ and others can have multiple solutions with varying effects on your images. Designed for editors and colorists, this course takes a solution-based approach to explore DaVinci Resolve, focusing on problems that can be solved in many ways.
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