Selected Skills
What I Do
Joey D’Anna is a colorist and online editor in the Washington DC area. He started his career in post over 15 years ago doing linear tape to tape online editing, and then continued into non-linear online, finishing and color grading.
Today, Joey color grades both short form marketing projects, long-form documentaries, independent and feature films. In addition to his creative experience, Joey has a deep engineering background and has been heavily involved in the design and build-out of multiple high-end facilities and studios. He is an expert on post-production workflow and brings that experience to bear on client projects – making sure we are always working in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Outside of the grading suite – Joey is a dedicated tinkerer and maker. From classic cars and motorcycles, to racing drones, laser light shows, 3D printers and more – he never has an empty workbench or garage. Joey is also an avid history student, and loves researching the evolution of technology, and cold-war era aerospace history.
Tutorials by Joey D'Anna
106 tutorials found.
What Are Business Considerations For Colorists Grading HDR/Dolby?
Is there a business opportunity for colorists grading in HDR? Can you charge more? What are the pitfalls? 3 professional colorists discuss.
Answering Member Questions: HDR and Dolby Vision Workflows
Grading and delivering HDR is a complex technical process. Learn to master it with an hour of expert insights from 3 professional colorists.
Office Hours Live: NAB 2024 Recap and Resolve 19 Public Beta
We discuss insights from NAB2024 & the Resolve 19 Beta. Join Daria Fissoun & guests as they delve into Blackmagic's latest tools & hardware.
Office Hours Live-NAB 2024 What We Expected + iPad Calibration
We discuss what we expected at NAB 2024, calibrating an iPad Pro, and how/if we're using the headline Resolve features of prior years.
Getting Started With Blackmagic Cloud Storage in DaVinci Resolve
Learn how to set up and share project media with collaborators in DaVinci Resolve with Blackmagic Cloud Storage and the BMD Camera App.
Inside Look - Nobe OmniScopes And The New QC Timeline Panel
A discussion with Tom Huczek, creator of Nobe Omniscope. Learn about its new QC Timeline panel and how our Contributors use it day-to-day.
Office Hours LIVE! Color pipelines, Gamma & Remote Live-Review
Our Contributors answer tough member questions on color management issues, mastering gamma, and affordable remote live review solutions.
Using The ResolveFX Relight Plugin With The Fusion Page
Learn to accelerate the Relight ResolveFX by feeding normals maps from CG renders, making it a powerhouse effect for VFX and CGI workflows.
Office Hours - NAB 2023, Sony HX-3110, Resolve 18.5, Virtual Sets
Team Mixing Light discusses Sony's prototype 4,000nit display, Resolve 18.5 Beta new features, and colorist opportunities on Virtual Sets.
Ideas For Using The Resolve 18.5 Relight Effect
Joey D'Anna shows how to integrate the Relight ResolveFX plugin into fixed node trees to maximize its usefulness, capability, and performance.
How To Upgrade Your GoPro Hero11 To A 10-bit Log Workflow
Learn to leverage GoPro labs firmware and Resolve colorspace transforms to color manage footage from the new Hero 11 cameras in 10 bit log.
A Hands-On Introduction To DaVinci Resolve On iPad Beta for Pros
Colorist Joey D’Anna gives an extended review of DaVinci Resolve for iPad Beta, how it differs from the desktop, and what it may excel at.
Using The Surface Tracker On Complex Power Window Operations
Learn how to apply a VFX-style workflow to color grading (replacing the tedious operation of tracking multiple power windows independently).
New Little Features Packing A Punch In DaVinci Resolve 18.1
DaVinci Resolve 18.1 is a feature-rich update. Colorist and finisher Joey D'Anna offers his list of impactful features - that aren't obvious.
Using the Surface Tracker Resolve FX for Color Grading - Part 1
Learn how to use Resolve's 'Surface Tracker' Resolve FX for color grading - using it as a Power Window or to warp an existing Power Window.
Color Grading Docs, HDR Trims, NVMe Disks for Cache, and more!
In this Office Hours, a team of Mixing Light Contributors tackles member questions about estimating time for HDR trim passes - and much more!
Getting Great Greenscreen Keys Using Fusion’s Delta Keyer
Have you ever used Fusion's 'Delta Keyer' for greenscreens - but with poor results? You missed a step! Joey D'Anna gets you keying properly.
How To Manage Versions for VFX & Graphics in DaVinci Resolve
If you have many graphics or visual effects shots that might be replaced at the last minute, learn the value of Resolve's 'Take Selector'.
How To Professionally Work Between Multiple Editing Platforms
Special Guests Scott Simmons and Jonny Elwyn join Joey D'Anna and Patrick Inhofer to discuss moving between NLEs as a professional editor.
Advanced Optical Flow Techniques For Image Repair
Learn to use optical flow for more than speed changes. In this Insight, fix a corrupt frame and repair archival footage pull-down artifacts.
Using Color Grading To Tell A Decades-Long Story
Colorist Joey D'Anna breaks down his color grade of an indie feature - showing how he executed the goals & technical challenges of this film.
Edit Faster With 10 Keyboard Tips & Tricks For DaVinci Resolve
Learn 10 essential keyboard shortcuts you can bind on the DaVinci Resolve edit page to speed up your editing workflow.
Extending the life of old computers? Becoming a Contributor?
This lively Office Hours answers questions on extending the life of an old computer, becoming a Contributor, and impressions of Resolve 18.
Leverage The Power of Resolve 18’s New Magic Mask ‘Object Tracker’
New in Resolve 18 is the ‘object tracker mode’ in Magic Mask. Learn to use it for color grading and advanced blurring workflows.
Charting Gamma Curves, REC-709a, Premiere 2022 Color Management
Team Mixing Light, and members, discuss Log Gamma curves, revisit Rec-709a, Premiere Pro 2022's color management, and declining job offers.
Streaming Dolby Vision, REC-709a, And Consumer OLED Displays
Team Mixing Light, and members, discuss streaming Dolby Vision mp4s; Rec. 709a (what is to be done); and consumer displays for grading.
Digging Into The Depth Map - One of Resolve 18’s Best New Features
Learn how to use the new ResolveFX 'Depth Map' on the Color and Fusion pages - and get a range of ideas showcasing its fantastic versatility.
Five Don't-Miss Features in DaVinci Resolve 18 Public Beta
Joey D'Anna gives you a taste of his NAB 2022 demo artist skillset, sharing the 5 new features he likes the most in DaVici Resolve 18.
Evaluating Skin Tones, Working With Drone Footage, Grading On Laptops
Team Mixing Light helps our members work through confidence problems color grading skin tones, drones, and laptop displays in a live call.
DIY - Virtualizing Your Networked Resolve Database Server On Linux
Learn how to install and configure Postrgres database servers in a Linux virtual machine across an internal network for DaVinci Resolve.
The HDR Palette One Year Later & Selling Your Project Files: Good Ideas?
Team Mixing Light, in a live conference call, takes member questions on Resolve's HDR palette and the practice of handing over project files.
Color Management For Preconformed Workflows With EDL Clip Names
Using Resolve's Edit Index and EDL comments, you can prepare a preconformed timeline for color management much easier than you think.
NAS, Security, Archival Footage, and HDR - An Office Hours Discussion
Team Mixing Light discusses member questions including: TrueNAS storage, archival footage artifacts, budget HDR monitoring, and security.
DaVinci Resolve 17.4.5 - Custom YRGB Output Color Spaces
Colorist Joey D’Anna explains why the new Output color space setting in DaVinci YRGB projects is a great tool for node based color management.
Color Correction Gear Head - Stepping Into 2022 With New Hardware
Colorist Joey D'Anna shares his thoughts on adding the Elgato Stream Deck pedal and Xencelabs Quick Keys to his color grading suite.
Office Hours LIVE! - ACES Color Management Using Nodes (in Resolve)
Join colorist Joey D'Anna as he answers node-based color management strategies for ACES and RCM workflows (including groups and shared nodes).
Joey’s Custom Workshop - Two Useful Scripts And A Fusion Effect
Colorist Joey D’Anna shares with you new custom tools for batch rendering, automatic backups, and a 3D motion control template.
Office Hours Live Stream - Color Management (and much more)
This is our first Office Hours Livestream. Four Mixing Light Contributors take and answer questions from members in a livestream.
Dolby Vision - Custom ACES SDR to HDR Part 4 - Deliverables And QC
In Part 4, learn how to QC and deliver your Dolby Vision HDR and SDR masters, including Video- or Data- level settings for ProRes exports.
Custom ACES SDR to HDR Part 3 - Dolby Vision Trims
Learn how to use the original SDR color grade as a reference for a new SDR Dolby Vision trim from an HDR re-master (gulp!)!
SDR To HDR - Working With Graphics In Node-Level Color Management
In part two of his series, Colorist Joey D'Anna shows you how to color manage graphics when trimming a project from SDR up to HDR.
Resolve 17.4: My Favorites From A Huge Release
DaVinci Resolve 17.4 is a substantial update. Colorist Joey D'Anna explores his favorite features, big and small, on the Color & Edit Pages.
Custom ACES: SDR To HDR - Part 1
In this Insight, Colorist Joey D’Anna shows you how to move an SDR grade into HDR using a Custom ACES fixed node structure.
Better Window Tracking: Combining Tracking With Manual Keyframes
Colorist Joey D’Anna shows you his methodology for nailing challenging power window tracks in DaVinci Resolve
Binary Logic In The Node Tree: Creating Procedural Node Structures
What does binary logic have to do with color grading? Colorist Joey D'Anna shows you how to build switches and logic into your Resolve node structure.
'Syncthing' - A Better Way To Sync Media Between Workstations
Colorist Joey D'Anna shows how to set up and use the open-source software 'Syncthing' to share media across three remote locations.
The Key Panel: A Basic Tool That Does More Than You Think
In this Insight, Joey D'Anna shows you the 3 different toolsets inside the DaVinci Resolve Key Panel, and how they change for different nodes.
Grading HDR & Dolby Vision: Patrick & Dan Join The Fun
In this installment of 'From The Mailbag' Team Mixing Light discusses Patrick & Dan's newest HDR projects &the challenges they faced.
Match Move ResolveFX: A Color Page Multitool
In this Insight, Joey D'Anna shows you how to use the DaVinci Resolve Match Move ResolveFX plugin for powerful tracking, stabilization, and paintwork
Milestones: 1,000 Insights, New Pricing, and More!
1,000 Insights are now in our Insights Library! In this article Team Mixing Light has new announcements and a look back at our favorites.
Joey’s Custom Workshop - Fusion Templates
In his latest Custom Workshop, Colorist Joey D'Anna gives you 3 useful custom Fusion templates for use on DaVinci Resolve's edit page
Better Streaming Sessions Part 3: The ATEM Streaming Bridge
Learn how to set up and use an ATEM Streaming Bridge to create a high quality, color accurate and low latency video link over the internet
Using A Blackmagic Color Panel Remotely - Resolve 17 Solves A Problem
Learn how to use Resolve 17's new remote panel capabilities for remote color grading that is secure, interactive, and color accurate.
Better Streaming Sessions Part 2: Macros and Stream Decks
In Part 2 of his series, Joey shows you how to take remote color sessions to the next level by adding macros & remote control to your ATEM switcher setup
Better Streaming Sessions With ATEM Mini Switchers
Learn how to add serious production value to live-streamed color sessions with Blackmagic ATEM Mini switchers.
Joey's Custom Workshop: Solving Problems Using DCTL and Python
Expand your colorist toolbox with custom Python scripts and DCTLs for workflows, subtractive saturation, and timeline duplication.
Building A Dynamic Demo Reel With Dávid Láposi - Mailbag LIVE!
Team Mixing Light hosts Hungarian colorist Dávid Láposi to discuss creating a personal, story-based demo reel to help advance your career.
Getting Sync'd Up: Advanced Audio Monitoring In DaVinci Resolve
Learn to measure audio/video sync issues with a smartphone, and compensate in DaVinci Resolve using Fairlight's B-Chain
Creating Reusable Custom Transition Presets In Fusion
Learn to use DaVinci Resolve's Fusion page to build custom, reusable transitions to work inside a node based ACES pipeline.
How Can You Color Process Mars Rover's Images In DaVinci Resolve?
Learn how to use DCTLs (and texture references) in DaVinci Resolve Fusion to debayer Perseverance rover raw images, yourself.
Getting Up To Speed On Resolve 17's New Proxy Workflow
Get up to speed on Resolve 17's new proxy workflow for lightning fast editing and grading performance when working remotely.
3D Printing For Post-Production: An Introduction
Learn the basics of 3D printing, and how you can use it to improve your post production environment with custom upgrades.
Mailbag LIVE! Selecting The Proper Storage For Post Production
Today's Agenda: What do digital video post production professionals need to consider when buying a storage solution for their digital media?
How To Set Up and Deliver Dolby ATMOS in Resolve 17
In this Insight, learn how to setup, monitor, edit and deliver Dolby Atmos immersive audio in DaVinci Resolve 17
Custom ACES Part 4: Updating For Resolve 17
Watch colorist Joey D'Anna update his custom ACES workflow to better use the new HDR tool in Resolve 17, and use DaVinci Wide Gamut colorspace
The DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor On The Color, Edit, And Cut Pages
The new DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor is a fantastic controller. Learn how to use it for color grading, online editing and multicam workflows,
Resolve 17 Big Little Features Part 2 – The Edit Page
Small features can make a huge difference to your workflow! Learn new edit page features to speed up and improve your workflow in Resolve 17.
Resolve 17: Big Little Features Part 1 - The Color Page
Sometimes, it's the small features making a huge difference! Learn new color page tools to speed up and improve your workflow in Resolve 17.
A Mixing Light Special Report: Resolve 17 Announcement
Blackmagic Design just announced Resolve 17. We jump on a call to discuss the release, its timing, new features, and our initial thoughts.
Resolve 17: First Impressions And Favorite Features
Resolve 17 Public Beta is here and it is a huge release! Colorist Joey D'Anna points you to his favorite new features, updates, improvements.
Advanced Avid Round-tripping: Relinking Resolve Renders In Avid Without Losing Avid Effects
Learn an advanced workflow for round-tripping between Avid and Resolve, while maintaining effects and online work done inside Avid.
Moving Bits and Bytes - Facility Networking Made Easier
Learn to use VLANs, link aggregation and more to manage high performance networks for post production, using Ubiquiti products.
Node Tree Compositing: Building A Green Screen Shot In One Node Tree
In this Insight, Joey D'Anna shows you how he uses the DaVinci Resolve color page node tree to build great looking green screen composites.
Using Playheads - Working Faster In DaVinci Resolve's Color Page
Learn how to accelerate your color grading in DaVinci Resolve's Color Page by using multiple Playheads to quickly navigate the timeline.
Review - The OWC ThunderBay Flex 8 Workflow Supercharger
Get a hands-on look at OWC's direct-attached Thunderbolt-3 RAID chassis. Plus, (3) configuration ideas for post production professionals.
Better Blurring In DaVinci Resolve: Part 2
In the second part of his series on better blurring, Joey jumps into Fusion to explore its powerful capabilities to create natural-looking blurs.
Better Blurring In Davinci Resolve: Part 1
In this Insight, Joey D'Anna shows you how to take simple blurs to the next level on the DaVinci Resolve Color Page
Advanced Keyframe Editing in Fusion
Learn powerful keyframe editing techniques in DaVinci Resolve's Fusion page, using the built-in spline and keyframe editors.
A Review of Blackmagic's Editor Keyboard: 1 year later
Learn what a online editor and colorist thinks after spending a year working with the Blackmagic editor keyboard, full-time. Plus, his tips.
Custom ACES Part 3: ODTs, Deliverables and HDR
Learn how to use a custom ACES workflow to easily manage deliverables in different color spaces, and easily take your grade from SDR to HDR.
Custom ACES Part 2: Grading Custom ACES With Fixed Node Structures
Learn how to build a powerful fixed node structure in DaVinci Resolve to work within a valid ACES pipeline, without normal limitations.
Custom ACES Part 1: Building An ACES Workflow In A Resolve Node Tree
Learn how to leverage a powerful ACES workflow without any limitations, by customizing it a DaVinci Resolve node tree.
Quick Export: Customizing Resolve's New Export Features
DaVinci Resolve's Quick Export is often overlooked because it looks simplistic. Learn how to power up Quick Exports and save yourself time.
Macros on MacOS - Switching from AutoHotKey to Keyboard Maestro
Learn how to use Keyboard Maestro and Stream Deck to supercharge your workflow in DaVinci Resolve on Mac with powerful macros.
2019 Mac Pro - One Colorist's Thoughts After Switching Back To The Mac
What does a colorist think of the 2019 Mac Pro after switching back to Mac? Plus, learn his thoughts about optimal specs for color grading.
Emulating Film Halation in DaVinci Resolve
Learn two different methods (with different levels of control) of emualting the beauty of film halation using DaVinci Resolve.
Creating Supplemental IMF Packages in DaVinci Resolve
What is an IMF package? How doyou use DaVinci Resolve to create supplemental IMFs for delivering fixes and alternate versions?
Broadcast Promo Finishing Workflows in DaVinci Resolve
Learn how to use DaVinci Resolve to finish and output coutless versions of broadcast promos, easy fast and without any mistakes.
Updating A Color Grading Suite - 2 Years Later
Learn how I've evolved my grading suite in the past 2 years. I added new hardware and adjusted my layout to fit new, advanced workflows.
Scopes and Critical Image Evaluation In Resolve 16
Video scopes are an essential tool to all colorists. Learn all the exciting new scope features in Resolve 16 to speed up your grading.
My Favorite New Color Feature in Resolve 16: The Adjustment Clip
Resolve 16 adds hundreds of features, including powerful new adjustment clips. Learn how to use them streamline your grading workflow.
Grading With Fusion: Connecting The Fusion and Color Pages
Take your color grading work to the next level in DaVinci Resolve. Learn how to use mattes generated in the Fusion page on the color page.
Using DCTLs And Expanding Resolve's Functionality
Do you perform repetitive tasks on a regular basis when color correcting or finishing? Then learn how to use DCTLs to automate those tasks!
The Benefits Of Fixed Node Structures in DaVinci Resolve - Part 2
In Part 1 you learned how to build a Fixed Node Structure in Resolve's node tree when color grading. Now learn its huge time-saving benefits.
How To Develop A Fixed Node Structure In DaVinci Resolve: Part 1
Building out node trees on the DaVinci Resolve Color page can be a messy affair. And haphazard. Learn how to develop a personalized node tree.
Handling Over-Sharpening: How to Soften Footage Without Losing Detail
Drone footage adds tons of production value to projects. But the cameras often suffer from over-sharpening. Get tips for fixing this problem.
Using Python and Expanding DaVinci Resolve's Functionality
Resolve's new scripting APIs open up exciting new possibilities. Learn how to get started by using Python to import comments from
How To Paint, Track, and Replace A Logo In DaVinci Resolve Fusion 15
Learn how to track DaVinci Resolve 15's non-destructive paint tools in Fusion. Plus, get a tip for viewing a color grade inside Fusion.
An Introduction to Fusion (For Colorists) in DaVinci Resolve 15
While Fusion is a node-based compositor, its node tree is very different than the Color Page. Learn how to use Fusion in DaVinci Resolve 15 in under 15 minutes.
Resolve 15 New Color Page Features
In this Insight, colorist Joey D'Anna, fresh off demoing Resolve 15 at the Blackmagic booth at NAB 2018, shares his thoughts on the top new features that benefit the dedicated colorist the most in Resolve 15.
Learn How to Start Scripting El Gato's Stream Deck Using Autohotkey
The Elgato Stream Deck is a powerful control surface add-on for colorists, especially when paired with autohotkey. In this insight, learn to take that functionality to the next level with advanced scripts and workflow examples.
Design Essentials: Another Perspective On Suite Design
In this Insight, Joey D'Anna shares some of what went into the design of his color suite, why he loves Aeron chairs, TBC consoles and more!
Using Resolve 14's New Color Stabilizer To Smooth Exposure Bumps
If you're trying to smooth out exposure changes in your footage then you'll love using Resolve 14's new Color Stabilizer filter (and avoid keyframing).
Is Resolve 14's New Stabilizer An Upgrade (or is it dumbed down)?
In DaVinci Resolve 14, the Stabilizer got a new set of controls that seem overly simple. Has this tool been upgraded? Or should you work in Classic mode?
DaVinci Resolve 14: First Look
In this Insight, we take a look at some of the compelling new features in DaVinci Resolve 14 including OFX, performance and editing improvements.
First Look: Getting To Know the Resolve Mini Control Surface
In this special edition of the Color Correction Gear Head series, we welcome Joey D'Anna & his review of the Resolve Mini Panel.