Joey’s Custom Workshop – Fusion Templates

July 16, 2021

In his latest Custom Workshop, Colorist Joey D'Anna gives you 3 useful custom Fusion templates for use on DaVinci Resolve's edit page


Custom Fusion Tools To Save You Time

In this installment of Joey’s Custom Workshop – I’ve got 3 useful Fusion templates to give you. Now you may be thinking, ‘I don’t really use Fusion! What good are templates for me?’

Well – one of the coolest things about Resolve’s Fusion integration is that you can use Fusion’s power without ever even having to open the Fusion page! Developers and artists can build complex effects, titles, generators or transitions and decide what options to present to the user in the inspector. The user can then simply use them on the edit page like any other effect.

Fusion isn’t limited only to it’s own page. It can be used to build customized, sharable and re-usable effects.

Simply dragging the .setting file into the Fusion templates folder unlocks the capability, without any Fusion knowledge or work needed. Where is this folder? On a Mac you’ll find it in:

/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Templates/Edit

And on Windows, in:

C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Fusion\Templates\Edit

The Effects

In this Insight – I’ll give you 3 effects, and show you how to use them. They are:

  • A quick and easy pattern generator for calibration. This lets you instantly pull up patches of white, primary colors, or a ramp in Rec709 or PQ. Customizable patch sizes make it a fast and easy way to generate and verify spectro offsets for monitor calibration.
  • An open caption generator that automatically sizes a background box behind the text. If you’ve ever had to make open-captioned social deliverables, this is a huge time saver
  • An adjustable vertical re-sampling effect that drastically reduces unsightly baked-in interlacing from archive footage that may not be available in full quality.

If you have any ideas or problems you would like solved with a custom tool or script, let me know in the comments and I’ll try and include it in the next Joey’s Custom Workshop!


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