Grading With Fusion: Connecting The Fusion and Color Pages

April 2, 2019

Take your color grading work to the next level in DaVinci Resolve. Learn how to use mattes generated in the Fusion page on the color page.

Looking Back on NAB 2018

NAB is just days away, and I’m getting more and more excited to make my yearly trip out to Vegas!

With NAB on my mind, I got to thinking about how huge NAB was last year for Resolve when Blackmagic announced the integration of Fusion. Now it’s been no secret since then that I am a huge fan of Fusion being a part of Resolve. In the short year since the announcement – Blackmagic have continuously improved the Fusion page in point releases and this Insight, I want to explore something I’ve been getting asked a lot when it comes to Fusion in Resolve

A Deeper Dive Into Grading Fusion Comps

When Resolve 15 was announced – one of the first Insights I published was an Introduction to Fusion, where I showed how to build a quick greenscreen comp in the Fusion page. If you need a refresher on how to interact with Fusion – check it out before watching this Insight.

In this video, I’m revisiting the same greenscreen comp, but jumping into the color page to explore how the work you do in Fusion can actually drive nodes in the color page. You’ll learn how to:

  • Add additional outputs to your fusion comp, and access them on the color page
  • Use a matte from Fusion to drive various corrections on the color page
  • Combine mattes from Fusion with additional isolation tools on the color page, to easily and accurately target areas of the image.
  • Use both a fill and matte from Fusion to composite additional elements into the image

Enjoy – and if you have any questions or comments – drop them below.


Footage courtesy of Abba Shapiro

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