Using SMPTE Bars to Color Manage Archival Materials
Daria Fissoun teaches you how to calibrate color bars on videotape archives, using DaVinci Resolve, to ensure accurate color reproduction.
Restoring Archival Interlaced Masters For 4K Delivery & Posterity
Colorist Daria Fissoun shares a project she remastered to 4K. In Part 1 of this series, learn her project setup to prep the archival master.
Conforming in Baselight? Start here.
Learn the Conform tool in Baselight. Luke Ross solves importing a problematic EDL and eye-matching reference clip using two play heads.
Tips for matching an imported timeline in DaVinci Resolve
Get tips for solving common - but challenging - mistakes when conforming an offline reference, including eye-matching variable speed changes.
How To Manage Versions for VFX & Graphics in DaVinci Resolve
If you have many graphics or visual effects shots that might be replaced at the last minute, learn the value of Resolve's 'Take Selector'.
How Do You Succeed Running A Color Grading Business?
The team is joined by our newest Contributor, Zeb Chadfield, answering business-related questions on being a colorist and getting paid.
Moving timelines into DaVinci Resolve Using EDLs - More Tips and Tricks
50 years later, the simple EDL is still useful for sharing timelines! Get more tips and tricks on integrating EDLs in colour managed projects.
Color Management For Preconformed Workflows With EDL Clip Names
Using Resolve's Edit Index and EDL comments, you can prepare a preconformed timeline for color management much easier than you think.
Learning Baselight Student – Conforming with the Scene Detect Tool
Luke Ross shows you how to add edits into a single video file, breaking it into individual shots for easy color grading in Baselight Student.
Coloring Reality: How To Color Grade 1700 Shots In Two Days
Coloring Reality TV can be a huge undertaking. However, if you organize and prepare, you'll deliver a high-quality show on time.
Can You Use Project-Level Color Management With 'Flat File' Workflows?
Learn how to tag a single clip with multiple 'input color spaces' in DaVinci Resolve when executing a 'flat file'/preconformed workflow.
Resolve 17 Big Little Features Part 2 – The Edit Page
Small features can make a huge difference to your workflow! Learn new edit page features to speed up and improve your workflow in Resolve 17.
Baselight Start to Finish – Project Creation & Conform
Everything you need to know from project creation to starting your grade including, colour management, project management & Scene Detection
ACES Color Correction in Action: An Indie Case Study Part 1
The ACES color management workflow is a key technology for major Hollywood productions. Learn how an Indie film implemented ACES.
CDLs in Action and Roundtripping Through DaVinci Resolve
Learn how to create, export, and import ASC-CDL compliant color grades using DaVinci Resolve. Plus tips and tricks with CDL data.
What Project Type Should I Use to Edit and Color Correct in Premiere Pro?
Did you know Premiere Pro CC 2019 has three project types? Standard, Shared, and Team. How do you choose & what are their differences?
Using DCTLs And Expanding Resolve's Functionality
Do you perform repetitive tasks on a regular basis when color correcting or finishing? Then learn how to use DCTLs to automate those tasks!
Handling Over-Sharpening: How to Soften Footage Without Losing Detail
Drone footage adds tons of production value to projects. But the cameras often suffer from over-sharpening. Get tips for fixing this problem.
Integrating Graphics & Text Into A Dobly Vision HDR Project
Team Mixing Light is once again joined by Joey D'Anna to discuss integrating graphics and text into Dobly Vision HDR projects.
Testing The New 'Video Limiter Effect' In Premiere Pro CC 2018
Adobe re-built their Video Limiter Effect in Creative Cloud 2018. Can you trust the new effect to remove gamut excursion errors that will fail you in QC? This video Insight answers that question.
How do you choose Gamma 2.2 vs Gamma 2.4 when color correcting?
When you start delving into the finer points of color correction you'll eventually learn about Gamma 2.2 vs Gamma 2.4. Learn how to choose between them.
Saving The Day With Input Sizing in DaVinci Resolve
If you're having trouble with you sizing in Premiere Pro not being replicated in DaVinci Resolve, the Input Sizing control may be your hero.
How to Handle Scaling in XML Workflows for Premiere Pro CC
Learn what settings to use in Premiere Pro CC when Scaling in XML workflows. And the settings to use for importing into DaVinci Resolve.
Understanding the Premiere to DaVinci Resolve Image Sizing Handoff
If you have problems exporting XMLs with image sizing from Premiere to DaVinci Resolve, this video explores the settings you need to know.
Why You Need to Master the 'Frame Size' Option in Premiere Pro CC
If you send your timelines from Premiere Pro CC to DaVinci Resolve then you know resizes often fail. Your 'Frame Size' selection is the key.
Using DaVinci Resolve's 'Offline Reference Clip' to Conform Timelines
Learn how to use the 'Offline Reference Clip' to see what the final approved timeline looked like - while color correcting in DaVinci Resolve.
Resolve Collect
If you're having trouble with DaVinci Resolve's built-in Media Manager then check out this video featuring 'Resolve Collect'.
Managing Media in DaVinci Resolve
Part of a larger series, we finish conforming a timeline and start managing media off a client hard drive onto our RAID, in DaVinci Resolve.
Conforming In DaVinci Resolve - Solving Sync & Frame Rate Problems
When importing a timeline & conforming in DaVinci Resolve, problems occur. See how we methodically solve frame rate & sync problems.
How to Fix 'Reel Conflicts' and 'Force Conform' Errors in DaVinci Resolve
When importing a timeline into DaVinci Resolve, learn how to find and solve 'reel conflicts'. Plus, learn to solve a 'Force Conform' error.
Exploring XML Conform Options in DaVinci Resolve
Importing XMLs into DaVinci Resolve can be frustrating. Sometimes, a change in Resolve's 'Conform Options' settings can save the day (or not).
Media Manage An XML For Color Correction (from client drives to your raid)
Learn how to prepare to Media Manage an XML, and get footage off your client's hard drives and onto your high-performance RAID.
From Client Hard Drive to XML Export: Prepping a Timeline
If you need to move a timeline from Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro for color grading or finishing then learn how to prep it for an XML Export.
What is the Golden Rule of Conforming Timelines?
If you move your timeline from one bit of post-production software to another then you need to know the 'Golden Rule of Conforming'.
Conform Issues Database – Introduction
Conforming timelines can be time-consuming before you even start color correcting. Learn the common issues (and how to fix them).
Dealing With Timecode : When The Rushes And Proxies Don't Match
When the rushes and Proxies don't match due to lack of timecode conforming in Resolve can be a nightmare. Here's how I approach that subject
How to Prepare Your Timeline for Color Correction
Learn how to prepare you timeline for color correction with these useful tips and techniques from an experience editor.