Grading HDR & Dolby Vision: Patrick & Dan Join The Fun
In this installment of 'From The Mailbag' Team Mixing Light discusses Patrick & Dan's newest HDR projects &the challenges they faced.
Getting Back To The Studio (Facility)
It's been a challening past year and half. In this episode we discuss getting back to the studio/office/facility and what that means these days.
Color Management The 'Right' Way?
In this episode, we discuss if project-wide or more custom approaches to color management are the 'right' way to do things.
Help Matching These Shots, Please!
A member asked for some advice on matching two shots that had distinctly different looks. In this Mailbag, we discuss strategies for matching these shots.
Mailbag Live & Revisiting Why Does It Look Different On Export?
Team Mixing Light announces an upcoming new website feature & the Team revisits the issue of exports looking 'wrong'.
What's Tone Mapping?
In this installment of From The Mailbag we sit down to talk about tone mapping and how's used in software and on consumer displays.
Color & Finishing In A Global Pandemic
In this From The Mailbag, we discuss the current and the possible future of work from home & remote workflows + concerns that we might not be consindering.
Resolve Remote Workflow: Hawaii To LA & Back
In this From The Mailbag we revisit some key aspects of a Resolve remote workflow as we try to answer questions from a member on the same subject.
Revisiting RCM, ACES & CST Workflow
In this installment of From The Mailbag, a member's question about using the CST OFX within a color-managed project got us into revisiting these workflows
Looking Back On The Past Decade & Forward To The Next One
In this episode, we discuss the past decade and speculate on the next 10 years in the world of color grading.
Is the Disney + Series 'The Mandalorian' Fake HDR?
In this installment of From The Mailbag, we tackle a hot topic from the world of color grading this past week - is there such as thing as FAKE HDR?
What's Up With Supplemental IMFs?
In this installment of From the MailBag, we're once again joined by Mixing Light contributor Joey D'Anna who gives us the skinny on supplemental IMF packages for delivery to broadcasters and OTT providers.
Are You Punching Below Your Weight? Is There Anything To Be Done?
In this episode of From The Mailbag we discuss a member's email about how he feels he should be landing bigger projects but isn't.
Am I ready for client supervised color grading sessions?
A Mixing Light member has color graded for an internal team for years. But how does he know if he's ready for outside client color sessions?
A DCP Problem & A Refresh On Troubleshooting
Team Mixing Light tackles two problems creating a DCP. We also discuss proper troubleshooting techniques for any post production problem.
$5000 For A Monitor. What Should I Get?
We get a lot of questions about picking a color-accurate monitor for grading. In this episode listen to our thoughts on things to consider.
Advanced vs. Mini Control Surface - Should I Sell The Advanced Panel?
Team Mixing Light discusses the Resolve Advanced Panel, compares it to the less costly Mini, and asks if the larger panel is worth keeping?
Our Initial Thoughts On The Apple Pro Display XDR - Is It Truly XDR?
The XDR looks like an impressive display from Apple but - is it a reference monitor? It sure is priced like one!
Our Initial Thoughts On The 2019 Apple Mac Pro Announcement
At WWDC 2019 Apple took the wraps off a brand new Mac Pro & a new HDR display. In this Mailbag, Team Mixing Light discusses the new Mac Pro.
What to do if your client doesn't trust any of your reference displays?
Team Mixing Light tackles a member's question on how to handle a DP who doesn't trust any monitor in a facility?
Clients Unhappy With Your Downstream SDR Tone Mapped Color Grade?
High Dynamic Range color grading is challenging. Listen as we discuss a question about HDR > SDR tone mapping and how to handle expectations?
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