Mixing Light Color Correction Podcast Series

HDR Musing & Saturation Levels For Log Encoded Footage

December 20, 2015

In this episode, Team MixingLight discusses HDR and best practices for setting saturation levels for log encoded footage

Day 20: 25 Insights in 25 Days Holiday Marathon

Episode 29: From The Mailbag

What’s The Deal With HDR & Do You Have Any Suggestions For Setting Saturation With Log Footage?

It’s hard to believe, but day 20 of our holiday marathon is here….already!

Well, this is the last Sunday of our annual Insight splurge – meaning this is also the last MailBag of the marathon, and it’s a good one!

Team Mixing Light sincerely thanks you for being a member, and we look forward to 2016 with more Insights, more contributors, and more creative and technical subjects covered.

In this MailBag, we offer our take on two discussion topics from members Guantam & Jon , who ask what’s HDR all about and do we have any best practices for setting saturation levels on log-encoded footage?

Remember, if you have questions you’d like to get an opinion on, please use the contact form.

Your questions can be aesthetic, technical, or even client-related. We’d love to hear from you, and your question might make future episodes of From The MailBag.

What’s The Deal With HDR?

This is not a Mailbag question per se, but in response to a recent email survey we sent out, MixingLight member Guantam responded with a dozen top-notch ideas!

Thank you, Guantam! – In 2016, we’re going to be covering many of the topics on your list, including a lot of the DIT topics you wrote about.

One of the general areas that Guantam asked about was HDR – are there standards? How does Rec 2020 factor in? What about 4k and HDR?

While we could have done three or four parts on Guantam’s inquires about HDR, in Part 1 of the MailBag, we discuss HDR in detail and how we’re all pretty darn excited about the possibilities that HDR offers.

What’s The Proper Saturation Level For Log Encoded Footage?

Up next, we got a question from MixingLight member Jon who asks:

One question that is kind of basic, but I would love to hear about, is something that went over proper levels of saturation. I am often working with log footage that requires an increase in saturation. Obviously, you can judge this by eye, but sometimes it can be tough to trust your eyes after long sessions. Any rules of thumb you guys go by?

This was an interesting question that we’ve not had in any form before. After discussing  ‘proper’ saturation levels, we discuss ND filters, hue vs. sat curves, and how sometimes a single correction or node can’t provide enough saturation!

As always, enjoy the MailBag, and please use the comments below if you have more to add to the conversation or have other questions. 

-Team Mixing Light

Episode Notes

In Part 1 of this MailBag, we reference another MailBag Episode where we discuss HDR from earlier this year.

In Part 2, Robbie briefly mentions an Insight from the earlier days of MixingLight.com about removing the green cast from the footage. You can find that Insight HERE.

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