An Overview of DaVinci Resolve 16’s Cut Page

January 23, 2020

When you open DaVinci Resolve 16 for the first time, you land on its Cut Page. How is it laid out? How does it differ from the Edit Page?

Day 23: 24 Insights In 24 Days – 2020 New Year Marathon!

Inside DaVinci Resolve 16: How is the Cut page different from the Edit page?

As Blackmagic keeps adding pages to DaVinci Resolve they’ve recognized that not everyone makes use of all those pages. In Resolve 16 they gave us the ability to hide the page buttons we don’t use. I suspect for a great many existing users, Resolve 16’s new Cut page was the first page they turned off! After all, there’s already an Edit page.

What’s the point of the Cut page?

In this Insight, I present to you the use-cases for the Cut page. You learn how it’s generally organized. You also learn how it’s different from the Edit page and the workflows at which it excels. There are also several features I absolutely love (and am sad they’re restricted to the Cut page).

If you’re a full-time Colorist then the Cut page isn’t much use to you. It’s not granular enough to use for conforming, revisions, or finishing. It’s also missing some core features that’s essential for those skills and tasks. But the Cut page may be a harbinger to upcoming features that get more widely integrated into Resolve.

One thing we do explore in this Insight is a workflow I used to follow when roughing out spots – and it doesn’t really work on the Cut page. But there are other workflows for professional editors, especially for long form, where the Cut page can be ideally suited.

Finally, I offer two tips at the end of this Insight that I think is key to success on the Cut page. This new editing environment isn’t for everyone. But it really is a good place for newcomers to learn Resolve and there are some nifty ideas here that I’m curious to see if they’ll be devleoping in the coming years?


– pi

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