Developer Tom Huczek Discusses Nobe Omniscope – The Color Timer Podcast

June 17, 2024

The Color Timer talks with Tom Huczek, the creator of Nobe Omniscope, including the advantages software scopes have over hardware scopes.


Season 2, Episode 3: What are scopes? Do we REALLY need them? Why is Omniscope so darn good?

Tom Huczek is somebody I’ve wanted to speak with for quite a while. Chances are you’ve heard of Nobe Omniscope, the immensely popular software package used by colorists and finishing editors in suites of all shapes and sizes. Tom is the person behind these tools, and I wanted to get the back story; how on earth do you have the audacity to even consider the idea of making scopes?

In this episode, we chat all things scopes, how they used to be a five-figure item, how some suites didn’t even have them, and how software/hardware solutions like Nobe are leading the pack in terms of features and utility.

Note: You can subscribe to The Color Timer Podcast on the podcast homepage.

Tom Huczek, Time In Pixels founder and creator of Omniscopes
  • Tom Huczek’s X account – Get info straight from the developer 
  • TimeInPixels Homepage – Product info for Nobe Omniscope, False Color, and more
  • New Scope: Twin PeaksA MAJOR new feature, Twin Peaks, was released after this interview was recorded. Previously, it was only available in Tektronics scopes as the Double Diamond. Now, all Nobe Omniscope customers can access a scope view that many professional colourists consider indispensable.
  • How To Use Video Scopes YouTube Series – A series of videos teaching how to set up and use the various scopes in Omniscope. Hosted by Mixing Light Contributor and colorist Daria Fissoun.

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– Vincent

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