
Get Out There! – Updating Your 2019 Showreel

January 18, 2019

Dan shares the reasoning behind his new showreel and also gives some tips on when and where to share it for maximum views

Day 18: 25 Insights in 25 Days 2019 New Year Marathon!

Have You Updated Your Reel For 2019?

In this Insight we take a look at how to get your work out there and ensure your showreel is showing off both your grading and your personality to the world.

It’s amazing how quickly your work can change in a year, you may have changed direction or expanded into new areas of grading that you didn’t consider before.

Your Reel Is Your Resume

I am currently completing my 2019 showreel and I feel like this is the first showreel that is truly “me”

That might not always be a good thing but after years of other people at large post houses picking the tracks I use on my showreel, I feel like it’s important that I picked something that made me happy and captured my attitude to grading and life.

The track that I picked worked really well as I graded the music video for it, this allowed me to use some select sync sections for effect in the middle of the reel.

There are a huge amount of colourists out there now. We have gone from possibly a couple of hundred to thousands in the time I’ve gone from an assistant to senior.

That means that while lots of people can do a good job, you need to convince people that you can do the best job!

Think about what you really want to grade in 2019 and make sure you focus on showing off your best work in these areas.

My Reel

I’ll take a look at my reel in more detail in the video below but here is how it’s looking so far

Reel_WIP_2019 from Dan Moran on Vimeo.

In The Video Below

In the video below I’ll talk you through what is in my showreel and why it’s there.

The hardest part of cutting your own showreel is picking the shots that are going to get you more work, not just shots that you enjoyed grading.

If you’ve got any questions, be sure to leave a comment!


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