Colorist Inspiration – Dave Hussey

September 22, 2014

We visit the colour grading work of Company 3 master colorist Dave Hussey – rock star colourist and all round awesome guy


A Giant In The Commercial & Music Video World – Dave Hussey

Time to take a look at another superstar of the color grading world.

I have made no secret of my admiration and respect for Mr. Dave Hussey, so writing this Insight is a great pleasure and honour.

Dave is a senior colorist and founding member of Company 3.

Dave has worked with the best DOPs and Directors on the planet and has graded the most iconic music videos out there.  So, it’s safe to say, that his work is probably the most viewed ever!

Dave’s grade on Rihanna’s We Found Love video has over 383,277,524 hits on YouTube at the time of writing!

Multiply that by over 2000 music videos and you probably have an idea of how popular the videos are that Dave has graded.

One thing I’ve noticed about Dave by following his work and Twitter account for years now is how popular he is. Whenever I work with directors that have worked with Dave previously like Director X or Joseph Kahn they all say the exact same thing.

“Dave is the bomb! I love him”.

Here is a good example of the atmosphere in Dave’s grading bay.

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