Alternate Uses For Shared Nodes in DaVinci Resolve
Learn how to unlock the utility of Shared Nodes by minimizing the need to switch between the clip-level and timeline-level node graphs.
How To Adapt A Photoshop 'Channels' Technique to Resolve
Patrick answers a member's question about simplifying their node tree, adapting a Photoshop color grading technique to DaVinci Resolve.
Creatively Manipulating Node-Based ColorSpace and Gamma Tags
Learn colorist Cullen Kelly’s favorite uses for node-based Color Space and Gamma context menus available within individual nodes in Resolve.
New Little Features Packing A Punch In DaVinci Resolve 18.1
DaVinci Resolve 18.1 is a feature-rich update. Colorist and finisher Joey D'Anna offers his list of impactful features - that aren't obvious.
How Do You Use Resolve's Parallel Mixer and Layer Mixer Nodes?
In Part 2 of our series on learning how to use Resolve's Serial Nodes, we look at combining them with Layer and Parallel Mixer nodes.
Nodes 101 – Mastering DaVinci Resolve’s Serial Node
Do the nodes in DaVinci Resolve's Color Page confuse you? In Part 1, learn how to think about using nodes with this intro to the Serial Node.