The 3-Band Technique for Enhancing Boring Exterior Shots

The 3-Band Technique for Enhancing Boring Exterior Shots

April 13, 2013

Flat boring outdoor shots are very common when color correcting. What can you do to fix it? Learn a technique based on Classical painting theory.

The Flat Boring Exterior Shot

Flat boring outdoor shots are very common when grading. Is there anything you can do to fix it? The fact is the weather, camera tech, and DP effort level all contribute to flat, boring outdoor shots. Among the various techniques to fix these types of shots, is what I call the 3-Band Technique.

Essentially, this technique uses three Power Windows to create three zones of color and contrast – or bands or stripes for complete control over the image. The neat thing this technique has its background in classical painting and is one of my go-to techniques for outdoor shots that need a little love.


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