Creative Coding with DCTL: Part 4

July 24, 2021

In part four of his ongoing series on creating DCTLs, Cullen Kelly builds upon work done to create a static DCTL by adding user adjustable controls.


Adding UI Elements To Our Tools

Now that we’ve absorbed the basics of DCTL and successfully coded up our first tool, we’re going to be moving at an accelerated tempo as we incorporate more and more functionality into our scripts. In this Insight, we’re going to revise our static LGGO tool into an interactive tool which changes its behavior based on user input. Through this process, we’ll to learn:

  • How to add new features and functionality to our DCTL while preserving the current working version
  • How to implement each of DCTL’s UI elements in our script
  • How to hook the user input from these UI elements into the behavior of our script
  • How to load an interactive DCTL within Resolve

When we’re done, we’ll have another critical ingredient which we’ll use in the creation of our Filmic Contrast tool. Let’s get started!

Declaring UI Elements

As we learned in Part 1, DCTL supports five types of UI element:

  • Float Slider
  • Integer Slider
  • Value Box
  • Check Box
  • Combo Box

Today we’ll be creating float sliders, which are probably the most common of the above five elements. But the process of implementing any of these elements is fundamentally the same: we use a specific syntax to declare the desired element, and then we declare the input parameters, which include the element’s user-visible name, a sensible range of possible input values, and a variable which will the store the user’s input for later use in our DCTL. Here’s the syntax for each of these elements:

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