Is your DaVinci Resolve experience choppy, unresponsive, slow, or error-prone? Are you bogged down moving timelines into/out of DaVinci Resolve?
DaVinci Resolve Fundamentals 102:
Optimizations & Workflows
DaVinci Resolve can be very responsive if you know where to look. This course (with downloadable practice footage) teaches the key preferences, practices, and optimizations for working at the speed of thought – as well as sharing timelines with other platforms.
Optimize DaVinci Resolve for YOUR Workflow
Upgrade Your
Stop feeling like DaVinci Resolve is holding you back. This training can increase productivity and creativity, even if your computer is underpowered.
Watch the Course overview
Playback Smoothly
Optimize DaVinci by using its built-in features and options – for consistent playback, even with lots of effects and filters applied to your image.
Share Timelines
Understand the workflow for moving timelines between Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve – plus essential troubleshooting tips.
Work Faster
Optimize your interaction with DaVinci Resolve using hardware for an upgraded workflow, connecting your eyes and your hands.
Free Previews From This Course
Lesson 2: Databases vs Projects
Where on your computer does DaVinci Resolve store your projects?
Lesson 19: Playback Optimizations
An overview of the different ‘playback modes’ that get you playing timelines without dropped frames
Lesson 17: Advanced Timeline View Options
How to stack multiple timelines on the Edit Page, simultaneously
Lesson 39: Using 3rd Party Hardware with DaVinci Resolve
How gaming hardware can significantly boost your productivity
Lesson 32: Exporting and Using Reference Movies
How to verify the frame-for-frame accuracy of timelines when moving between Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, and DaVinci Resolve
Mixing Light’s 3-Step Learning Process:
The Muscle Memory Method
Sign Up
Sign up for this course to gain access to our streaming learning platform – which keeps track of your progress and streams the lessons to your computer or device.
Download the included practice footage and project files.
Follow along, step-by-step, on your computer and at your pace.
Build Muscle Memory
Following along with the streaming lessons develops your DaVinci Resolve confidence and helps with retention.

Meet your instructor
Patrick Inhofer is a post production professional with 34+ years of experience. He’s run DaVinci Resolve on Windows and Mac platforms and has successfully used the strategies in this training to squeeze more life out of his hardware. He’s also moved hundreds of timelines between Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve.
Patrick has demystified DaVinci Resolve for thousands of students and professionals at Universities, workshops, conferences, and in online courses – staring with DaVinci Resolve 8.
Activate a special 15-day membership* to Mixing Light’s streaming Tutorial Library** when you’re ready to learn more – with over 1,000 additional insightful tutorials!
* 15-day Bonus Membership is offered at $5 and is not a subscription. Membership is activated only when you’re ready for it.
**This Training is NOT included with a Mixing Light membership. Active Members earn credits to gain free access to Resolve Fundamentals training courses.
Additional Details
Optimize Resolve
Upgrade your experience – not your hardware – by learning how to tune Resolve to the capabilities of your computer and your personal preference.
Share Timelines
Learn the fundamentals of successfully sharing timelines between DaVinci Resolve and Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro – and how to find (and fix) problems.
Work Smarter
Get ideas on optimizing your Resolve experience using outboard hardware – physically connecting you to Resolve for a more interactive and creative experience.
Training Access
Enroll in this training course to optimize DaVinci Resolve to match your workflow.
This Training course is a stand-alone purchase and does NOT require a Mixing Light membership. Active members of the Mixing Light Insights Tutorial Library earn credits toward unlocking this training. All memberships are awarded 3 credits when activated (once per account) and then accrue 1 credit every month a membership is 'active'.
$39.00 USD
You can unlock this training with 3 credits