Finishing In Resolve - Reframing, Blanking And Delivering

Finishing In Resolve – Reframing, Blanking And Delivering

January 5, 2017

Reframing in Resolve as become common practice. Dan shares his approach to finishing in the box and shares his tips and tricks

Day 5: 25 Insights in 25 Days New Year Marathon

Keeping It In The Box

Back in the good old days when I was grading footage from a telecine and everyone had lots of money for everything doing the final conform and reframing in the grade was never even a consideration.

There were rooms full of Autodesk Flames and Smokes that would do all the resizing, flipping and flopping.

Us colourists could focus on one thing.


These days we need to make the pictures look as amazing as possible but also make time to do the final conform on a lot of projects.

This is normally down to budgetary reasons but is becoming more and more popular every month.

Resizing, Cropping And Rendering

In the video below I’ll take a look at

Input Sizing options and tips like using the V stretch on Pop Stars.

Output Sizing options for delivery formatting and random bonus tips like magic zooms (or at least that’s what my client calls them!).

Keyframing all of the above

Rendering with and without black bars for all your deliverable needs.

Jump to the video below to find out more and please do post your grades in the comments below!

If you’ve got any questions, be sure to leave a comment!


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