DaVinci Resolve 12 First Look : Colorist Crash Course

July 28, 2015

Resolve 12 is here and this insight is aimed to get experienced colorists up and running as soon as possible with some tips from Dan

Colorist Christmas has arrived and after months of waiting Resolve 12 is out!

If you haven’t already downloaded it: You can grab this beta software from Blackmagic’s website!

Here at Mixing Light, we have been lucky enough to participate in the private beta program. To varying degrees, we’ve been using Resolve 12 for the last couple of weeks and have been checking out all its features, new and old.

Now that the public beta is out we can finally share our initial insights as, er… Insights.

On first impression Resolve 12 is another powerful step forward for colorists, editors, and finishers alike. Blackmagic has added tons of new features ranging from nice to have ones to ‘oh my god how did I live without this?’

This insight is aimed at colorists that already know, use DaVinci Resolve and want an overview of where to find the new tools and a quick introduction to how they work.

Of course, you will be seeing lots of specific Resolve 12 Insights coming over the next couple of weeks and this is just the beginning. Watch my video insight below to find out more about Resolve 12!

– Dan

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