15 Minutes With Legendary Colorist Peter Doyle – The Color Timer Podcast

July 15, 2023

The Color Timer Podcast speaks with legendary colorist Peter Doyle on the nature of color, metameric failure, and the 'why' of every grade.


Immersive experiences, cultural interpretations, and metameric failure, and more!

Peter Doyle is a colorist like no other. To write an introduction for a man who really doesn’t need an introduction is challenging. I’ve followed Peter Doyle’s career for the past two decades, ever since the release of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

During our conversation, Peter discusses the role of a colorist within the creative team, how to use language to put (new) filmmakers at ease, appreciating the cultural context of color, and a colorist’s explanation of metameric failure within the rise of laser projectors.

For the uninitiated, Peter Doyle is a supervising colorist at PostWorks NY, whose 70+ credits include The Tragedy of Macbeth, Paddington 2, The Edge of Tomorrow, Inside Llewyn Davis, and many more!

Craft is really the what and how, creativity is the why.

Peter Doyle, Colorist

Peter’s career has spanned both chemical film timing and the advent and evolution of digital color grading, and so his insights into the craft and artistry of color are fathomless.

It’s quite a heady mix, so strap in.

Learn More About Peter Doyle

Trailer: The Tragedy Of Macbeth

In this interview, Peter talks about creating the look of Macbeth and the intellectual thinking behind the look.

Preview: Inside Llewyn Davis

This preview shows the result of Peter asking ‘why?’ in creating the look of this film for Joel & Ethan Coen, as discussed in this podcast.

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Questions or Comments? Join the Discussion!

What would you have asked Peter, if you had the chance? Let me know in the comments below!

– Vincent


Producer: Kayla Uribe
Editor: Arthur Ditner
Executive Producer: Mixing Light
Supporting SponsorFilmlight
Podcast Homehttps://colortimerpodcast.mixinglight.com

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