
Eye Training : Diagnose and Compare

August 17, 2017

In a new series Dan shares his guide to training your eye for contrast issues. Follow this four step process to learn how to diagnose and fix your images

Learning To See Issues In Your Images

I’ve recently started learning more about the world of sound mixing and it’s given me a priceless insight on what it’s like not being able to hear issues people are talking about. This also applies to when people can’t see or diagnose the issues with their footage.

As I’ve been grading for so many years now it’s very hard to “unsee” things.

In an effort to try and help train your eyes I thought I would kick off a series that is based on training your eyes with some focused exercises.

This is a totally new area for me to try and explain so it will probably evolve as we go along so as much feedback as possible would be great in the comments section!

My System For Decision Making

I think the best way of describing each step of my thought process can be broken down into a very simple 4 step process.

It’s much easier to describe in the video below but it’s as simple as.

Looking at your footage

Diagnose any potential issues

Fix them the best you can

Compare the before and after to see if you’ve made things better or worse.

Let’s jump over to my video below for an example of this in action!

If you’ve got any questions, be sure to leave a comment!


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