Dirty Looks – Early 00s Looks

July 11, 2016

Dan shares some looks from his past focusing on two Early '00s looks in particular. One home digital camera one heavy 35mm music video


In this Insight, we continue with our series with some early ’00s Looks Including some confessions of my own!

For me, the early 2000s had two very pronounced looks – Lots of heavily graded 35mm and a ton of nasty narrow dynamic range home digital camera type looks.

Here is an example of the digital style from a feature:

28 Days Later from lux on Vimeo.

And up next, the heavy film grade example:

These looks are far too heavy to work on their own, but in the world of setting a time period or showing flashbacks they should be perfect!

Check out my DRX files and try it yourself at home!

My DRX files can be downloaded here.



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