Colorist Comparison - Two Colorists Grade The Same Footage
Explore two distinct approaches to color grading on one spot. Join Kali Bateman and Luke Ross as they dive deep into technique and workflow.
Working Around the ACES ‘Look’ With OpenDRT
ACES is an extremely popular color management pipeline but its RRT can impose a ‘look’. In this Insight learn about OpenDRT & how to implement it.
Reference Images - Matching To A Reference
Reference Images - Matching To A Reference. Have you ever had to match your footage to a famous movie or photo? Dan will show you how.
Mailbag: Resolve vs SpeedGrade & Managing Versions In Resolve
In this Episode Of From The Mailbag, we discuss the pros and cons of Resolve vs SpeedGrade. As well as how to manage versions in Resolve.
Waveforms, Legal Range And The Differences Between Avid and Resolve
Avid's Y Waveform sets black above the bottom of the scale whereas Resolve's Waveform sets its blacks at the bottom of its scale. Which is correct?
Curves Color Correction: Avid Symphony vs. DaVinci Resolve
What is the difference between the Curves interfaces in Avid Symphony and DaVinci Resolve? Learn how to simulate Avid Curves in Resolve.